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English: from a short form of the personal name Dinis, a variant of Dennis.
Erickson Respelling of a Scandinavian and North German patronymic derived from the Old Norse personal name Eiríkr, which is composed of ei ‘ever’, ‘always’ (or a reduced form of ein ‘one’, ‘only’) + rík ‘power’. The main forms are Erichsen, Eriksen, Ericsson, and Eriksson.
Funk:German: nickname for a blacksmith, or for a small and lively or irritable individual, from Middle High German vunke ‘spark’.
Gardner:English: reduced form of Gardener.
Probably a translated form of German Gärtner (see Gartner).
Hanson: Respelling of Scandinavian Hansen or Hansson. English (chiefly Midlands and northern England, especially Yorkshire): patronymic from Hann or the byname Hand.
Polbrook:English:dwelt near the brook
Rogers:English: patronymic from the personal name Roger.
Selgeby:Norway: Taken from the farm on which the family lived. SelgebØe Norwegian Naming Patterns
Sickles: Possibly an altered form of German Sickel (compare Sickels).
Strickland:English: habitational name from a place in Cumbria, so called from Old English styr(i)c, steorc ‘bullock’ + land ‘land’, ‘pasture’.
Sutton: English: habitational name from any of the extremely numerous places called Sutton, from Old English suð ‘south’ + tun ‘enclosure’, ‘settlement’.
Thompson:English: patronymic from Thomas. Thompson is widely distributed throughout Britain, but is most common in northern England and northern Ireland.
Americanized form of Thomsen.
Westbrook: Altered spelling of Dutch Westbroek, a habitational name from a place so named near Utrecht.
Source: Ancestry.com in part.
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